Secondhand Daylight

On the sports tracks, we removed all the horizontal lines and now those left to run, loop in endless motion.

On the beaches.. Rows of umbrellas are left unfilled, for the sunbakers have all been picked up and scattered in places unexpected.

There’s a gas station three miles down the road and a service pump five miles in the opposition direction...

...Though everyone who has arrived here, never owned the car to begin with.

secondhand daylight

Secondhand daylight, Oil paint on canvas paper. 2015 - 2018.
secondhand daylight i follow you you follow me

I follow you. You follow me, Oil paint on canvas paper. 2015 - 2018.
secondhand daylight the birds no longer fly south for winter

The birds no longer fly south for winter, Oil paint on canvas paper. 2015 - 2018.
secondhand daylight - the bustop

The Bustop, Oil paint on canvas paper. 2015 - 2018.
secondhand daylight - the houses, hand stiched and thread bare

The houses, hand stiched and thread bare, Oil paint on canvas paper. 2015 - 2018.
secondhand daylight - the storyteller and his muse

The Storyteller and his muse, Oil paint on canvas paper. 2015 - 2018.
secondhand daylight - windowless gazer

Windowless Gazer, Oil paint on canvas paper. 2015 - 2018.